We thought you might enjoy these scary ICD-10 codes this week!

Y93.D- Activities involved arts and handcraft
If you’ve tried to make a Halloween costume, you know it is never as easy as you think it will be. Use this code for hot-glue-gun burns or scissor slices.

Y04.1- Assault by human bite
Parrots aren’t the only ones to watch out for this season. If a vampire or zombie takes their costume a bit too seriously, this code will record the chomp.

T78.01- Anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts
With a pillowcase full of fun-sized Snickers, who can eat just one? Some kids may be lucky enough to sleep it off with just a stomachache, but for a child with a peanut allergy, a trip to the ER will close out the holiday.

W22.02- Walked into a lamppost
Masks may terrify, but they do require a certain sacrifice of peripheral vision. With this blow to the senses, lampposts are more likely to sneak up on you.

A28.1- Cat-scratch disease
Halloween isn’t complete without a frightening feline or two. Superstition warns of them crossing your path, but some can’t resist a seemingly sweet ball of fluff. Trick-or-treaters who learn the hard way can earn bragging rights for this code.

W93.02- Inhalation of dry ice
Dry ice bubbling in a cauldron of punch is an oldie-but-goodie addition to any Halloween shindig. But if a goblin or ghoul spends too much time in the punch bowl, ICD-10 has just the code.