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Tips and industry insights from your friendly experts at samstaff.
“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life”
What Employers Look For In LinkedIn Profiles
LinkedIn profiles mean more than you think. When searching for a new job, it’s important to spend time working on your profile. Read more about the key areas to keep in mind when crafting a profile page that appeals to employers and recruiters alike.
Tips For Finding a Great Healthcare Job Recruiter
There are many advantages in working with a healthcare job recruiter, but it's not like waving a magic wand and instantly getting a fantastic job. For many, a good recruiter is the difference they need to kick start their career. Consider the following when choosing your recruiter.
Why Healthcare Companies Need A Recruiting Strategy
As many talented healthcare workers retire, the need for skilled employees in critical positions has never been higher. The smartest providers and payers are looking for outside, expert help. Read how recruiting strategies are evolving to meet the growing demands of the healthcare workforce.
How Interim Leadership Can Help Hospitals With Project Management
Interim leadership can provide stability during a time of transition and give administrators more time to find the right permanent candidate for a job. Learn more about how Samstaff recruitment can connect your team with interim leadership candidates in the healthcare industry.
The Vital Role of A Trauma Registrar Director
A trauma registrar director is responsible for collecting and verifying data about admitted trauma patients, from treatment in the emergency room to any chronic health issues they have. Read more about this growing healthcare field and how Samstaff provides career advancement options and staffing solutions.
Tips On Preparing For Your Healthcare Job Interview
Job interviews are rarely enjoyable. But they don’t have to be anxiety-ridden experience. Going in knowing what you will say, how you will look and what you want out of the job can go far in making an interview a success. Here are some general tips to keep in mind before the big interview day.